Navigating Grief: 3 Practical Steps for Where To Start

Losing a loved one is one of life's most challenging experiences. Grief is a complex and personal journey, and everyone experiences it differently. This guide offers practical tips to help you on where to start your grief journey, from self-care strategies to honoring your loved one's memory, and resources for grief therapy in Los Angeles.

You may be wondering how you can possibly move forward after such a profound loss. The truth is, grief is a journey, not a destination. There will be good days and bad days, tears and laughter. But within this process, there's also the opportunity to honor your loved one's memory and keep their spirit alive.

Three of my first recommendations in grief therapy when someone who is newly grieving include helping others support you, staying connected to your lost loved one, and taking care of oneself:

  1. Letting Others Know How to Help: Often people around you want to help you through this difficult time but might not know what you need:

  • Express Your Needs: Grief can make it difficult to complete everyday tasks. Don't hesitate to ask for help with errands, cooking meals, or childcare. You could say, "I'm struggling to focus right now. Would you be able to pick up some groceries for me this week?" Being specific allows them to offer practical support that truly lightens your load.

  • Offer Choices: Giving people options allows them to find ways to support you that fit their strengths and availability. For example, you could say, "I'm feeling lonely and could use some company. Would you be free to come over for a chat, or maybe we could watch a movie together?" This allows them to choose the way they can best provide emotional support.

  • Be Open and Honest: Sometimes the simplest approach is the most effective. Let your loved ones know that you appreciate their support and that you're open to their help. Explain what feels overwhelming right now and what specific tasks would be most helpful. For example, you might say, "I'm feeling overwhelmed with making funeral arrangements. Would you be willing to help me contact the funeral home?"

  • Set Boundaries: Grief can be emotionally draining, and it's important to prioritize your well-being. It's okay to set boundaries if you need space and time alone. You might say, "Thank you for offering to take me out, but I'm feeling exhausted today. Would you mind if we reschedule for next week?"

2. Stay Connected To Lost Loved Ones: Surround yourself with reminders of your loved one. Enjoy their favorite foods, share cherished memories, listen to their music, or visit places they held dear. These connections can offer comfort and keep their spirit alive. This will important right after someone dies and everyday after that, keeping their memory alive.

Grief therapy can be a powerful tool for not only processing your emotions but also for keeping your loved one's memory alive in a healthy way. Therapists can guide you in creating meaningful rituals, whether it's planting a memorial garden, volunteering for a cause they cared about, or starting a tradition of sharing stories about them on their birthday. They can also help you navigate sorting through belongings, encouraging you to keep cherished items that spark positive memories while letting go of others that may cause distress. Through this process, grief therapy can empower you to create new ways to connect with your loved one's spirit and ensure their memory continues to hold a special place in your life.

3. Take Care of Self, Including Maintaining Basic Needs: Grief can disrupt routines, but taking care of yourself is essential. Make an effort to eat healthy meals regularly, stay hydrated, and prioritize sleep, even if it's in short bursts. Take walks in nature, find comfort objects like soft blankets, or enjoy warm drinks. Consider talking to your doctor about sleep medication if needed.

Seeking Additional Support:

Some individuals find it helpful to seek out Grief Therapy. While this post is not a substitute for professional help, consider grief therapy with Angel City Therapy. Therapy can provide a safe space to explore your emotions, develop coping mechanisms, and navigate the challenges of grief.

Grief therapy groups are also a great way to connect with others who understand your experience. Sharing your feelings and experiences with people who are walking a similar path can be incredibly validating and offer a sense of belonging during a time of isolation.


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