
  • Individual Therapy

    Fees: Varies per therapist, ranging from $150-225 with sliding scale options.

    Individual therapy provides a confidential space for you to explore your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors with a licensed therapist. This personalized approach allows you to address a wide range of challenges. The therapist will work collaboratively with you to set goals, develop coping mechanisms, and gain a deeper understanding of yourself. This journey of self-discovery can empower you to manage difficult emotions, improve your overall well-being, and create a more fulfilling life.

  • Couples Therapy

    Fees: Varies per therapist, but between $175-250 with sliding scale options.

    Couples therapy, also known as couples counseling, provides a safe space for partners to address challenges in their relationship with a trained therapist. The therapist acts as a neutral guide, helping couples identify underlying issues, improve communication, and develop healthier conflict-resolution skills. Whether you're looking to reignite a spark, navigate difficult conversations, or rebuild trust, couples therapy can equip you and your partner with the tools to create a more fulfilling relationship.

  • Group Therapy

    Fees: Varies, contact for more info

    Group therapy brings together individuals facing similar challenges in a supportive and confidential setting led by a qualified therapist. This allows participants to not only gain professional guidance but also learn from and connect with others who share their experiences. Group therapy can foster a sense of belonging, teach skills, provide more understanding of issues, and reduce feelings of isolation.

    We are currently not enrolling for new groups, but individual therapy options are available.